Red River D Buckle
Red River D Red River Buckle
Red River D Belt Buckle Red River D Buckle
Red River D Belt Buckle Photos
John Wayne Wearing the Red River D Belt Buckle
Movie History of the Red River D Belt Buckle
Click on Picture for Larger View and/or
Use Your Browser's Zoom Feature to Close in on the Buckle

North To Alaska

Red River Buckle
Red River D Buckle
Red River D

Sons Of Katie Elder

Red River Buckle
The Duke and Red River D Buckle

Other Images

The Duke
John Wayne "The Duke" and Howard
Hawks together wearing their
Red River D buckles
Howard W. Hawks wearing his
Red River D belt buckle


Another photo of Howard Hawks
wearing the buckle

                                             The Red River D Belt Buckle Mystery | The Red River D Belt Photos
                                     John Wayne Wearing The Red River D Belt Buckle | The Movie History of The Red River D Belt Buckle